This chapter focuses on the use of technology in implementing and delivering skills development initiatives through the use of online tools

In one’s lifetime, there is truth in the adage that the amount of learning one undergoes is nearly always increasing today with more awareness of the importance of acquiring knowledge to further one’s career. Learnability of a skill has become easily as well as conveniently easier than ever before attributed to technology’s role in learning. When learning some skill, and made a decision to involve online tools you will be in a position to ramp up your performance and actualize your full potential. In this article, we will take a look at some of the best instruments available in the Internet environment for achieving the best results in the use of new technologies for the improvement of certain skills.

1. Online Learning Platforms

Coursera, edX, and Udemy are some of this many educational platforms which offer various courses and program in different fields and skills. These platforms enable the delivery of contents such as videos, quizzes, and assignments will provide a chance to learners to monitor the content and skills acquisition at their own learning process level.

Coursera is a great example where they bring some of the greatest institutions like Stanford and Google together to come up with great, multidisciplinary courses like data science, programming, and business management to name a few. Likewise, EDX has partnered with institutes like Harvard University and MIT for example it gives learners the chance to enroll in colleges with top education in various fields like Artificial Intelligence, robotics, and languages among others.

Unlike Udemy, it has over 130,000 courses taught by industry professionals for specific demands and inclinations: graphic design, marketing, photography, and so on.

2. E-learning Resources

Besides the available online learning facilities, a number of e-learning tools can be found over the World wide web. There is no shortage of websites like Khan Academy or Codecademy which offer free learning materials that let you improve your skills without requiring the must of a paid subscription.

Khan Academy provides courses with no charge on different fields based on mathematics, science, economics and computer programming among others which makes it suitable for learners of any age group. Some of the advantages of the website include the easy to navigate design of the website, and well arranged content that generates interest among the learners.

In contrast, the Codecademy is the perfect platform for learners and budding developers to learn different coding languages such as Python, Java, and JavaScript. Codecademy’s tutorial based coding problems and several projects help in learning a programming language in a more creative and entertaining way.

3. Video Tutorials as well as Online forums

This website has changed the way by which information is accessed as it contains numerous You-Tube tutorials and classes. The platforms such as TheArtOfProgramming, as well as Tim is helpful for developers and other requirements to improve programming and software developing.

Of course there are some other sources available on the internet in the form of online forums e.g. Stack Overflow, Reddit, GitHub and a lot of other platforms as well, which are equally good for the students. These are discussion boards, communities and projects, where you can find people to discuss with, if you have any questions, there usually will be users, or you can address to the experts in that field.

4. Web Conferences and Meetings

With advances in technology one can be a part of a conference or even a workshop today without having to travel out of their home. Attending virtual conferences and webinars is very productive because it provides you information about new trends and people can get in touch with other professionals in their line of work.

Through GoToWebinar, Zoom and Meetup, you can watch events, join live sessions and interact with event hosts and other participants in live events. Also, it is possible to mention that most of the events provide the ability to participate in networking lounges and chat rooms.

5. Online Portfolio Platforms

Having an online portfolio is a very important stage that helps to attract the attention of employers and clients to the results of the work done. There are a lot of opportunities online for creating a portfolio: Portfolio sites like Behance, Dribbble and even GitHub pages.

Behance and Dribbble are both professional portfolios for showcasing skills and creating projects for clients, which is especially useful for graphic designers, web designers as well as illustrators. GitHub Pages, in turn, provides developers with the tools to create more personal web space which is occupied with projects, interactions, and demonstration of coding talent.


Technology had transformed the areas of acquisition of knowledge and skills. Thus, using the advantages of Internet technologies, you will be able to overcome some strengths and weaknesses, develop new prospects and become a professional in your sphere. Whether it be through web based learning, electronic learning sources, videos, webinar, or online portfolios, there are numerous technology based tool to assist in the process of enhancing and presenting skill. So why wait? Don’t wait for tomorrow to apply technology for skills development – start doing it today!

This chapter focuses on the use of technology in implementing and delivering skills development initiatives through the use of online tools
This chapter focuses on the use of technology in implementing and delivering skills development initiatives through the use of online tools

About Tech 7

Hey, I'm VET HUL . Blogger and Youtuber I like to gain every type of knowledge. And I want to share my knowledge with everyone I love thrills and travelling to new historical places. Hope all user like me. ❤️🙏

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